Monday, January 21, 2013

Love Tanks

We hold a positive book club here at the office every other month.  The last book was called “The 5 Love Languages” by Gary Chapman. This is a great read that I think everyone should read.  It will help you create quality relationships with friends, loved ones, even strangers.  Basically this book will teach you how to discover what your own love language is, and how to discover what other people’s love language is too. 

Chapman suggests that there are 5 love languages:
1.       Words of Affirmation
2.       Acts of Service
3.       Receiving Gifts
4.       Quality Time
5.       Physical Touch
This book really hit home for me, especially being newly married.  When Rex and I took the online test, we found that our love languages were completely opposite.  My love language is quality time with receiving gifts as my second, and Rex’s was physical touch with words of affirmation a close second.  I then asked myself – we have been together for 4 years and our love languages are completely different! How did we make it this long? I then realized that we do a pretty good job at keeping each other’s love tanks full. (We do work together, so that is a lot of quality time!)  But this has also made me aware of what his needs are and now I can consciously work at making sure his love tank is always full. 

Each person has their very own love tanks, just like your car has a fuel tank.  These love tanks are different for everyone, and requires different fuel.  I feel the most loved when you spend quality time with me, making amazing memories, laughing, and just hanging out.  Words of Affirmation may not fill up my love tank as much as quality time or giving or receiving gifts might. Find out what kind of fuel fills up your love tank. 

As we discussed this book, I looked at present and past relationships – my husband, friends, ex-boyfriends, parents, brother, etc. – and saw how these love languages affected these relationships.  Looking ex-boyfriends who didn’t want to go out and do fun things with me, travel, and create memories – my love tank was empty – and it admittedly made me a little crazy. J But, knowing that my parent’s primary love language is probably also quality time, they taught me that just spending time with friends and family can fill up my love tank.  I believe it is really how you were raised that determines how you feel the most loved. 

Find out what your love language is:
And its a great read, I highly reccommend. 

Friday, January 11, 2013


How many of you had New Year’s resolution that included: weight loss, eating better, getting healthy? I hope that your everyday resolution includes being healthy.  This week at Complete Wellness Chiropractic we watched a great film called “Hungry for Change.”  This is a great movie for anyone who does not know a lot about how bad processed foods can be and about making those healthy changes at the grocery store.  I would highly recommend that you watch this film; you can stream it from Netflix. 

Health and weight loss really starts with your hands, and what you put into your mouth.  Everything you put into your body, should be of something your body needs, otherwise it will turn into fat and toxins, causing dis-ease. 

When you are at the grocery store, do you read food labels, or do you assume just because the front of the box states it is healthy you trust that source? If you don’t read food labels – start reading them! Don’t trust those marketing labels stating that it is healthy.  Here are a few tips and pointers for those beginner food label readers:

·         If you can’t pronounce the word, it is not good for you

·         The less ingredients the better!

·         The first ingredient listed on the label is the ingredient that is used the most in that food, stay away from things such as: High fructose corn syrup, sugar, sugar, and sugar!

·         Do not buy anything with “Natural Flavors” – what are these natural flavors? They are lab derived flavorings with nothing natural about them to make the food taste good

·         Do not buy “fat-free” or “reduced fat” etc… There is a lot of chemicals in these ingredients such as found in artificial sweeteners: sucralose and aspartame

·         Avoid MSG (monosodium glutamate), there are many names that MSG can be hidden under, here are some commonly found names:
o   Autolyzed yeast
o   maltodextrin
o   sodium caseinate
o   hydrolyzed protiens

MSG is a neurotoxin related to weight gain, headaches, fatigue and depression just to name a few.  Here is a great article by Dr. Mercola if you would like to know more about the dangers in MSG, and more common foods it is found in.

All in all, what I want you to get out of this blog is to be informed.  Don’t let those monopoly marketing companies decide what is healthy for you (they want you to eat their product so they make money) – find out for yourself.  Start reading those food labels! BETTER YET, don’t eat only food that has labels; eat real food like fresh fruits and veggies (organic when you can).  We know these are healthy for you, as Mother Nature intended them to be. 

Friday, December 28, 2012

Healthy Tips to Start off the New Year

I know many of you make your New Year resolutions to be healthier, or to lose that extra weight gained during the goodie filled holiday season, or maybe you just want to create more balance in your life.  Most of us try to continue our new year’s resolutions all the way through the year, but let’s face it, come mid-February or March, most of us have gone back to our old unhealthy habits. No matter what your new year’s resolutions are; there are some very simple ways to start off your 2013 on the right foot and keep it that way. 

It actually takes 21 days to develop a habit.  And we are habit-forming creatures; this is how we create routines in our daily lives.  Anyone can do something for 21 days if they really want to change.  So try it and stick with it! That habit could be working out, or eating more vegetables, or a daily affirmation or meditation. Be patient, it may take a week or two to start seeing the results you want – 21 days is all it takes.  Keep a calendar on the fridge or something that you look at every day and cross off the days as they pass.

Everyone should have on his or her list of goals for 2013 to become an overall healthier person.  This starts with providing your body with the proper fuel to perform at its optimal levels.  The fuel our bodies crave is from vegetables and fruits.  Most people do not eat enough fruits and veggies to meet the nutritional needs the body requires.  A simple start is to add fruits and veggies into your diet is to first start to keep a food diary.  Many people are “unconscious eaters” and don’t realize the amount of junk and toxic food they put into our bodies.  We are what we eat, and if we constantly eat junk food or empty calorie foods, our body gets toxic and will cause ailments, aches, pains, digestion issues, and disease.  So write down EVERYTHING you eat, (even gum and sugar filled mints) and keep track of how you feel – maybe you get a headache, or feel tired – it is amazing the correlations you can create when you see them on paper.  Your body will give you warning signs that it does not like certain foods.  After a few days of keeping your food diary, make a point to eat a fresh fruit and/or vegetable with every meal, even your snacks.  This will provide more nutrients your body needs, and if you eat your vegetable or fruit first, you will not eat as much junk after because your body will be more satisfied.  A nutritious diet consists mostly of vegetables, fruit, beans, nuts and seeds.  These foods are nutrient packed foods that your body will love. 

Daily exercise is another important aspect of living a healthy well-balanced life.  You have all heard this before – the key is to find the right exercise that works well for you and fits into your schedule.  Exercise helps to get toxins out of your body and keeps everything moving properly.  It helps decrease stress, increases circulation, improves mental clarity, and increases energy.  So find a 30-90 minute window in your schedule to start moving.  Sometimes the hardest part is putting on those shoes and getting out that door – again, it takes 21 days to develop that habit. 

Thinking positive thoughts is also something that sometimes gets over looked often.  The power of what your head can do to create peace or chaos in the body is very influential of how we live our daily life.  If we walk around grumpy all day, we are stressed, we make bad choices, and it creates stress and strain on our entire body.  If we choose to be happy, to pick our battles, and think positive thoughts our body will create more energy and work more efficiently.  Get a little calendar book with daily positive affirmations to read every morning, or look in the mirror every day and tell yourself something positive.  “Every thought we think is creating our future.” (-Louise L. Hay)

And lastly, something I can’t leave out since it is my passion, get regular chiropractic adjustments.  Our nervous system controls everything our body does.  It controls how we think, how we absorb our nutrients we put into our body, how we move, and how we function.  Our spine houses and protects our nervous system with 24 moveable vertebrae.  If one or several of these vertebrae are out of place causing a misalignment, also called a subluxation, it will cause pressure on the nervous system, decreasing function.  A chiropractor will find these misalignments and take pressure off the nervous system and allow the body to work at optimal levels, increasing overall health and energy. 

So let’s start off 2013 right! A habit takes 21 days to develop, so create the positive and healthy habits and get rid of the old ones.  Eat well; keep a food diary and add a fresh fruit and/or vegetable with every single meal.  Move well; find an exercise routine that works well for you.  Think well; start off your day with a positive affirmation.  And finally, get regular chiropractic adjustments so your nervous system is working properly and your body can work at its highest, healthiest levels. Let’s make 2013 your happiest, healthiest year yet!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Life, Health, Love, Happiness, and Randomness!

Hi! This first post is just to introduce myself.  I have never done a blog before, and part of my new years resolution was to start a blog and post something once a week.  I'm getting a head start on my new years resolutions! I would like this blog to be educative- especially in health, wellness, chiropractic, and nutrition.  I will also talk about random life events too.  Now I am not the most advanced writer, so I am apologizing in advance for any grammatical errors! :) I would like this to just be a fun place to learn, laugh, and get engaged - leave me a comment- what would you like me to talk about?

I own Complete Wellness Chiropractic in West Des Moines, IA. I grew up in Iowa and received my undergraduate degree in Biology at Simpson College in Indianola. While growing up, I was involved in showing horses, and suffered a few acute equestrian injuries. When I began getting headaches everyday around the age of 13 that even the strongest, most expensive medications wouldn’t touch, I was taken to our family chiropractor. After a couple of adjustments my headaches were gone and I was living a happier life headache free. 

I graduated from Parker College of Chiropractic in Dallas, TX. I have also completed over half of the pediatric diplomat through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA), and am Webster Technique Certified.

After graduating from Chiropractic College, I continued to gain life changing experiences. I spent time in the Dominican Republic on a chiropractic mission trip, where together with a team of chiropractors, delivered chiropractic care (at no cost), to thousands of people even in the most remote villages.  I then Moved to New York City where I worked under one of the most highly regarded doctors in New York, and learned first hand the most innovative spinal techniques.

After all of these wonderful life experiences, there is no place like home. I moved home to Iowa in 2009 and opened Complete Wellness Chiropractic. I am excited to be close to my family and friends again. I just recently married the love of my life, Rex.  Rex is also the office manager, so we spend a lot of time together! I feel very compassionate about my work, and am driven by my passion to help others. This blog will be about Life, Health, Love, Happiness, and Randomness.  I hope you find it helpful to create a happier life for you!